Horniness knows no bounds. You lust over the unlikeliest person like a someone who is starved of sex. Sex and horniness are mutually exclusive, in my opinion.
There's this bank teller in BCB Shah Alam that makes Angelina (Jolie that is) look like a bag lady. Her pout leaves you wet. Hard-on develops without warning. Naturally bee-stung lips, pinkish to reddish, the colour of the lips of a woman who has just orgasmed (that word again!). Her cheek bones are like miniature ski slopes. Stuart Little has been known to spend his holidays there.
What is most appealing about this woman is probably the fact that she doesnt realise that she's so sexy. Her slightly tousled hair and light make-up corroborates that fact. She smiles at will. Dimples so deep, bears have mistakenly hibernated in 'em.
Dont get me started on her two big......eyes. With black caterpillars as eye-lashes, whenever she looks at me, I become an iceberg in the Sahara.
Last but most certainly not least, her heaving bosoms. So beautiful the pair are that I drive all the way to Shah Alam to deposit RM10 and also to catch a glimpse of Ms Left and Ms Right. Perfectly shaped, C bordering on D-cup, neatly cradled by her brasierre. Makes me wish I could for just one day shape-shift into a bra and cuddle up under her breasts. Mmmmm....
She must be in her 30's, judging by the fact that her body appearing "fully developed". Just the right age group. Curves at the right places.
Cant tell if she notices me. I'd rather if she doesnt, actually. Then I get to ogle at her unabashedly.
Only problem is, walking out of the bank with a boner can be dangerous. The security guards might think that a robbery's in progress....
may the force be with you and you get to shag her.
Sigh...wish I could say something like, "Yeah, baby. I'm gonna shag her good". But alas, this is the real world...
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come to papa my darling...
*looks at chest*
definitely not a C bordering on a D. merely an A bordering on double-A, and curvaceous in the wrong places.
life is so unfair.
*meluat dengan lili because cannot tolak her to the side*
i got no curves.
My darlings, I'll have u all know that I've decided to bring my business to a different bank. Cant risk losing my posse :)
lemme be the judge of that
born horny dear.
me lurves curves ;)
ms d,
we'll have to do something abt that...do u like to eat?
Hmm…why do I have a suspicious feeling that I know you.. heh heh heh :P
ps. try shifting your attention to other details when you see her next time:
like how is the shape of her earlobes...the cresents of her upper lip, is it angled or rounded...he he he..
cookie's back!
i miss you too! suka sangat sampai beteraboq grammar kat atas tu..hik hik.
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