I’m just regretful that with every 31st August that comes by, I still can’t seem to genuinely grasp the significance of the country’s independence.
Don’t get me wrong. I’m no less patriotic than the flag-waving guy who runs around in Stadium Negara during badminton matches involving our team.
I would not hesitate to fight for my country.
I would be the first to self-draft if ever war breaks out with any of the neighbouring countries. The army may not need an old geezer like me but I’ll have them and everyone else know - I do not need a reason to kick a Singaporean/Thai/Indonesian/Filipino’s arse.
I am very proud of my country but even so can’t bring myself to affix a flag onto my car. Much as I am partial to watching how the flag flutters when a car zips through the road, I just can’t see the Jalur Gemilang as my car accessory. Not yet.
My indifference towards the spirit of independence may be discomforting to some, but I presume it is understandable for those who did not experience the struggle.
I know that the historic event signalled the end of British colonial rule.
I know that it was the coming into being of an independent, sovereign and democratic Federation of Malaya.
Emblemic images of Tunku’s raised hand with shouts of “Murder-Car! Murder-Car! Murder-Car!” marking the great occasion, are my only momentous reminder of the birth of a new nation.
I pray that by this time next year, I can finally say that in addition to my immense sense of pride and allegiance to the country, I would also be able to sincerely embody the essence of self-government, befitting of Malaysia’s 50th birthday.